Florida Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Network

VOLUNTEER!! As long term recovery begins, volunteer teams will be needed in storm affected areas to help rebuild homes. If you have a group from your church or community that can help, please contact FLAPDAN. We will match you with work projects and put you in touch with local Long Term Recovery Groups.
SHARE SPACE!! Churches close to the storm affected areas may be needed to host volunteer work teams during the rebuilding phase. If you have space somewhere in your building for a small group of volunteers to sleep, eat and shower,please contact FLAPDAN.
Your financial gift – no matter the amount – will assist in the long term recovery of families affected by the Florida storms. You can donate to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance at https://pda.pcusa.org/situation/hurricane-matthewresponse/
Please do not donate goods. Cash is always best. Watch this short video to see what a dollar can do! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14h9_9sopRA
GET INVOLVED!! Represent your church and the PCUSA body at local LTRG or VOAD meetings.
Contact FLAPDAN for information on these local opportunities.